

fam·i·ly: consists of the people who support and love you, and the people you can confide in and trust.

I don't just photograph traditional families. I photograph LOVE. I photograph SUPPORT. I photograph BONDS.

Whether it be a mom, dad, and their toddlers, a family with a newborn, a husband and husband duo with their kids, an extended family with ALLLLLL the cousins, or a mama and her kids, I want to capture it all. The tickle fights, the laughs when we find out whose feet are the smelliest, and the hugs.

Being a parent myself, I used to find myself shying away from photos. "When I lose some weight," "when my kids are less rambunctious," "when life gets less crazy," are all excuses I have used. You are beautiful the way you are in THIS MOMENT. Your kids are at a stage in life that may be hard, but you are going to miss, or you are going to want to remember. And I love crazy so bring it on!